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Parcel Tracking

How to track your parcel.

Option number 1:
Use: https://parcelsapp.com/
enter tracking number

Option number 2:

Use: www.track-trace.com

Go to www.track-trace.com

Insert provided tracking number into Post/EMS(with USPS)  field

a.) First it will show you local tracking and you can see there when your parcel shipped

b) In several days in the UPPER LEFT corner select “SELECT COUNTRY” field and then select your OWN country. When parcel arrives in your country it will appear in your local tracing

Option number 3 : http://globaltracktrace.ptc.post/gtt.web/

Option number 4:

In some countries it is better to track your parcel when it arrives with your local tracking. Here below you can find links to some of tracking services:

Singapore: www.singpost.com

South Korea: http://trace.epost.go.kr/xtts/servlet/kpl.tts.common.svl.SttSVL

United States: www.usps.com

Italy: http://www.poste.it/online/dovequando/home.do

Russia: http://www.russianpost.ru/tracking20/

Denmark: http://www.postdanmark.dk/en/tracktrace/Pages/home.aspx

Cyprus: http://ips.cypruspost.gov.cy/ipswebtrack/IPSWeb_submit.htm

Germany: http://www.dhl.de

Philippines http://tnt.phlpost.gov.ph/index/

Netherlands https://www.internationalparceltracking.com/#/search

Austria : https://www.post.at/en/track_trace.php

Saudi Arabia https://www.sp.com.sa/en/Electronic/Pages/TrackShipment.aspx

Israel http://www.israelpost.co.il/itemtrace.nsf/mainsearchNOHE?OpenForm&L=EN